Why you should check out Splitgate: Arena Warfare

Splitgate Arena Warfare is a game that has been on my radar since the days when it still went by the name Wormhole Wars. It instantly piqued my interest. While as many will say it has halo vibes and it’s hard to deny that it’s clearly inspired by halo and portal. Splitgate feels like its own thing. It feels different enough to the developers influences to stand on its own two feet.

The combat is smooth and relatively easy to grasp. However it’s difficult enough that there’s a noticeable skillgap between players. This gives me hope for the competitive future of Splitgate. The rifling is crisp and feels satisfying when you manage to mow down multiple enemies in a gunfight or build up a killstreak. The Jetpacks and wormholes speed up the gameplay significantly. Using momentum to speed through the map while picking off enemies almost give the game an arena FPS feeling. It makes me wish there was a railgun to be speeding around with.

Speaking of the wormholes, these are without a doubt the games most intriguing feature. They make Splitgate extremely dynamic as the use of wormholes gives the player a plethora of tricks up their sleeves. You can use a wormhole to sneak behind an enemy and shoot them in the back. You can use a wormhole to escape a pursuing enemy who you can’t quite kill. You can jump from a great height into a wormhole to enable you to use momentum to bridge a large gap, perhaps even snipe someone while gliding through the air… you get my point, it gives the player options.

While I feel that many die hard competitive FPS players will look down on the game for it’s odd gameplay mechanics and for its potential outdated combat style. I hope that people give Splitgate Arena Warfare a chance. It’s a fun game with an endless ceiling. A pro team using pre-planned portals to counter-act an enemy teams portal placement would be absolutely phenomenal to watch… and I hope we reach that point.

Want to see this list in video format? Click here!

Too lazy to click the link? Here is the video for you to enjoy in all it’s glory!

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