2018 Resolutions Recap & 2019 Resolutions List

So 2018 didn’t go quite as planned… well not at all actually. Out of my 52 goals… I managed 4. Which is not great, but it’s better than 0. It’s been a hard year with long term sickness, mental health issues and lots of work. So next year is an important year. A year of achieving and fixing.

A list of the goals i’ve achieved in 2018.
Get Gold League in COD WW2
Get Diamond League in Overwatch
Get Legendary Eagle in CSGO
Finish Reel

I managed these 4 and made headway with lots of my other Resolutions, which are more like life goals that may take many years, which i’m okay with.

So all the goals I didn’t manage to accomplish will be moved to 2019. Onward and upward.

Here are the 2019 Personal Goals with a little explanation on each one.

End the Year with at least 5 people i’d called friends
A nice cheery one to start the list. What I mean by this is that over the years i’ve lost contact with Uni friends and childhood friends. I have friends from work, but i’d like to find a social group outside of work to spend time with. To play board games with, to see films with etc

Get 100,000 Subscribers on Murderpedia
Yeah so this one is VERY unlikely to happen in 2019, but it’ll happen eventually if I keep at it. Simply I want to hit 100,000 subscribers on Youtube.com/Murderpedia

Sucessfully be able to do a kip up
A Kip-up is when you are laid on your back and kick yourself up without touching the ground. You use momentum to propel yourself up and land on your feet.

Become Happy with Myself
2017 & 2018 have been hard years for me mentally. I’ve struggled with a lot of things and it’s impacted many aspects of my life including my weight and physical health. By the end of this year i’d like to feel comfortable with who I am and how I look.

Learn to play 2 full Guitar Tracks
Simply have 2 videos of me playing and singing 2 songs on the guitar

Create 150 Youtube videos
I made good headway on this in 2018, getting about 50% done.

Get 100k Subscribers on Tidus Mino
Again this one is VERY unlikely to happen in 2019, but it’ll happen eventually if I keep at it. Simply I want to hit 100,000 subscribers on Youtube.com/Tidus_Mino

Get 150k Total Subscribers accross my channels
Self explanatory. I have 5 Youtube Channels.
Tidus Mino – My channel for Facts videos, Etymology Videos & Gaming Videos
Murderpedia – My channel for True Crime videos
ReeceFowlerVlogs – My Channel for my music vlogs, Weight loss vlogs, movie vlogs & Info on these resolutions (this channel is mostly just for me)
TidusMinoPlays – My Channel for posting random game clips that I enjoy (this channel is mostly just for me)
LLC Productions – A future channel that’ll be used for a number of Kink related serious documentary / Interview content

Pick a Lock
I’d like to be able to successfully pick a lock

Understand Swedish Idol & Finish Duolingo
I’d like to end the year with a finished Swedish Duolingo and a solid grasp on the language

Get to 15 Stone
15 Stone is 210 Pounds for any Americans reading. I need to lose about 8 Stone to achieve this or about 112 pounds.

Fit my Shirts
I own lots of nice shirts that I used to wear to work and can no longer due to my size.

Write 20 Nosleep Stories
Write 20 short horror stories to be posted to the Nosleep subreddit

Finish Udemy Game Course
I purchased a game making course on Udemy about 4 years ago and still have not even started it.

Create Socialgig website
This is a great website idea I had about 3 years ago. I will make it this year.

Create Personal website
A website for all of my personal projects & professional projects

Release Simon Game
Release this simple game on the app store

Release Stacker Game
Release this simple game on the app store

Release Air Hockey Game
Release this simple game on the app store

Create Zombie Game Tech Demo
Create a simple tech demo for a game idea i’ve had that can be used further down the line to get people on board to make it.

Release Codies Game
Fully create a rythm platformer for my brother

Solve a Rubix Cube
Self explanatory

Write Martyrs as a Novel
A book I am writing. This will be created AFTER I have finished my crime novel.

Write The Minds that Murder
A non fiction book that i’m slowly writing alongside my True Crime episodes for Murderpedia.

Write Crime Novel
A Crime fiction book I am working on.

Create Londons Lacey Lads Documentary
A high quality documentary focusing on the kink of men who wear Women’s underwear

Finish DDP Yoga Course
Complete the Diamond Dallas Page Yoga course

Finish Photography Udemy Course
Finish a Photography Course I have purchased

Finish 3D Art Udemy Course
Finish a 3D Art Course I have purchased

Create Poker Game Tech Demo
Create a simple tech demo for a game idea i’ve had that can be used further down the line to get people on board to make it.

Create a CSGO Aim Map
Create an Aim map in CSGO

Create a CSGO Demolition Map
Create a Demolition map in CSGO

Create a CSGO Gungame Map
Create a Gungame map in CSGO

Create a CSGO Defuse Map
Create a Full Defuse map in CSGO

Pass Theory Test
Pass my theory driving test

Pass Driving Test
Pass my full driving test

Run a charity 5k
Take part in a charity 5k fun run

Release CSGO Frag Movie
Release a simple frag movie of some of my best personal plays

Release CSGO Timing Edit Video
Release a short highly edited frag movie of pro plays to the beat of a song

Achieve Youtube Partnership
To be a Youtube partner and make money from Youtube you must have 1,000 Subscribers & 4,000 hours watched within a 1 year period. I’ve currently got 2,200 hours watched and 205 subscribers.

Finish List of Books
Finish a list of books i’ve planned to read

Visit Jimmy
Visit an old Uni friend

Get a drag queen make-over
Experience what it is like to be fully made up in drag

Be able to use the Scales (under 18 stone)
I bought some scales and they only went upto 18 stone… so I cannot use them.

Carry out 5 Kink interviews for new YT Channel
Interview 5 different people about their kinks

Hike a mountain (maybe Snowdonia)
Be in a fit enough state to climb a mountain.

Create a GTA V Machinima
Create a short Machinima based on a crime story.

Finish Singing software
I purchased Ken Tamplins Vocal Academy software. I am creating a weekly singing series where I sing a song on Sundays and work on the software everyday to track my vocal improvements.

Be able to touch toes
Self explanatory

Complete all games currently in to do list
Complete a list of 49 games I want meant to finish in 2018

Complete 2019 Xbox Games List
Complete a list of 16 Xbox One games that differ from the above list

Complete 2019 Steam Games List
Complete every game I own on Steam, which currently stands at 190 uncompleted games

Completed 2019 PS4 Games List
Complete a list of 19 PS4 games that differ from the above list

Write Dear Evan Hamilfis Script
Write the script for an idea i’ve had AFTER my crime novel and Martyrs

Try 7x 1 Month of Special Diets
I’m planning to live a month doing 7 different type of special diets to monitor the effects on my body. These are Paleo, Fodmap, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, Keto, Dairy Free & Sugar Free

Successfully Make Guerkins
Self explanatory

Successfully Brew Cider
Self explanatory

Reach 1m Tidus Mino Views & 250,000 Murderpedia
Self explanatory

Get more Subs than James
I work with CSGO Commentators James Bardolph & Daniel Kapadia. They both have a decent following on Youtube. I want more!

Get more Subs than DDK
I work with CSGO Commentators James Bardolph & Daniel Kapadia. They both have a decent following on Youtube. I want more!

Go to the gym 50 times
I will end the year with a montage of at least 50 selfies from the gym

Fix List of body Ailments
I’ve got a long list of things medically wrong with me. Many will be fixed with weight loss. Some are being fixed by surgery or other medical treatment already planned.

Reach 1,000 Twitter Followers
Self Explanatory

Reach 1,000 Instagram Followers
Self Explanatory

Be able to touch my toes
Self Explanatory

Complete Switch Games list
Complete a list of 15 Xbox One games that differ from the above list

Start Christmas Town
I’d like to have a winter model town that I start to build. Each christmas i’d like to make something and eventually this would be something I do with my children. Over my lifetime and maybe there’s, it’d continue to grow.

Visit all my close relations at least once
Self Explanatory

Collect 4 Lego sets I want
Purchase 4 Lego sets I want (Red London Bus, Wind Turbine, Hogwarts Express & Hogwarts Castle)

Release 5 episodes of the Murderpedia podcast
Self Explanatory

Become happy with work
Whether this be by changing responsibilities or by changing jobs.

Experience Resolutions
Go to a gig
Go to the IMAX Cinema
Visit the Saatchi Gallery
MCM Expo
Move into our own apartment (not shared)
Finish Movie List
Finish TV Shows List
Finish Documentaries
Go to a nudist club
go to a bondage club
go to a munch
go to the kink market in London
Go to Eurovision or book for 2020
Book tickets for Wrestlemania 2020
Go to WWE in London
Watch all of LOTR in a weekend (20 hours)
Watch all of Harry Potter in a weekend (20 hours)
Watch all of the Marvel Universe films
Take driving holiday to Sweden
Take a Hornsea Holiday
Visit Canterbury
Visit the National Portrait Gallery
Visit the Britis Museum
Visit the Natural History Museum
Cycle accross Luxembourg
Rewatch all of GoT
Try Keto diet for 1 month
Try Vegetarian diet for 2 weeks
Try Vegan diet for 1 week
Earn our first £1,000 from businesses
Register all businesses
Make £1000 in Cryptocurrency
Make first £1000 from Youtube channel
Watch all Star Wars Films
Pay off CC
Stop going into Overdraft regularly
Earn our first £1,000 from stock trading
Watch all ‘Real’ Disney films from Cinderella to Coco
Climb to the top of Scafell Pike
Climb to the top of Ben Nevis
Visit Stonehenge
Visit Avebury Circle
Be on TV or Film
See the Red Arrows

There’s a lot to do… so I better get to work!